Friday 17 February 2017

Enhanced memory for preparation

Hello friends,
           Sorry for a long wait.Back again with some new techniques to clear DELF B1 exam and trust me this time i will keep you engaged with posts coming in quick.During the gap, i have managed to successfully passed DELF B2 exam and completed teachers training program in french.Well let's begin with today's lesson-


                                  Les adjectifs     

                        Sometimes it is difficult to remember specific adjective according to particular situation.Adjectives play an important role in making our language look beautiful and communicative.Here is an important strategy i am sharing with you guys which is an important memory lesson not just for french but for our daily life to remember important things.The idea is really simple is to make a group of words and chain it with a paricular group.Try to learn things with a fundamental group it belongs


petitpətismall, short
grandgʁɑ̃large, tall
vieuxvjøold (masculine)
vieillevjɛjold (feminine)
beaubohandsome; beautiful (with masculine noun)
bellebɛlbeautiful (with feminine person or noun)
faiblefɛblweak (person, object)                                                                    
                                  These adjectives will be easy for you to learn and remember because whenever you learn words very close to each other ,your brain will automatically project the image relating it making it far more easier to learn than just studying random words all at a time.

                                My objective here is not just put random material for you to practice.You will find loads of them in the books.The most important thing is how you grasp things and your way of doing it,that matters a lot.



  1. siki ziki / ziki zik...

  2. Very helpful..plz give us more tips and share your knowlege.can v connect with each other my any source?
