Monday, 23 May 2016

Production Orale Se presenter

                                     SE PRESENTER


Folks as you already know, Production orale of DELF B1 is divided into 3 parts -

  1. Se presenter(General presentation)
  2. Entretien dirige(Dialogue)
  3. Monologue Suivi(Point of view)
Se presenter is the easiest part of all.Its your best opportunity to create a lasting impression on examiner.If you manage this part well,then you are the winner and minimum 6 points are secured.
The best thing about this part is that you are not bombarded with typical questions.Well...permission to speak freely and independently.

Important tips during this part-

  1. Organise your ideas well and try to be systematic i.e name,age,profession etc.(I will cover that in detail in my next post)                                                                                                                                        
  2. Use connectors to link your ideas.                                                                                                                     
  3. Speak slowly and calmly.I mean at a pace during which you can cover 2 minutes well.                                    
  4. Try to bring in maximum details in your presentation.                                                                             
  5. If all the important points are covered,then friends its concluded that you didn't give the opportunity to the examiner pour poser des questions.                                                                                                            
  6. Speak with confidence.Its your 2 minutes.Deploy your spoken skills and show the examiner what you have got.
                      But the important question is which points to speak to during your presentation.My next post will cover all that stuff.

                           Quote for today-

                                                 Apres la pluie, le beau temps.

Amusez-vous !!!

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Create french words from english words

Although today's post is not directly related to DELF B1, but i think friends if we know how to create french nouns out of english words then its the best thing to have during vocabulary crisis.I am sure this trick will come in handy if u don't remember a french word during written part but u have got english version,then 80%job is done
Words ending in…
 in English
 in French
stay the same
stay the same
stay the same
stay the same
stay the same
stay the same
stay the same
stay the same
ordinary = ordinaire
 salary = salaire
 solitary = solitaire
glory = gloire
 history = histoire
 victory = victoire
political = politique
 typical = typique
 magic = magique
candid = candide
 stupid = stupide
timid = timide
optimism = optimism
 pacifism = pacifisme
sarcasm = sarcasme
publicity = publicité
 activity = activité
 quality = qualité
doctor = docteur
 actor = acteur
 pastor = pasteur
artist = artiste
 pianist = pianiste
fascist = fasciste
ien or ienne
optician = optician
 musician = musician
 Parisian = Parisien
If or ive
active = actif / active
 captive = captif / captive massive = massif / massive

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Connectors for Production Ecrite

                             Connectors for Production Ecrite

                                     (Les mots de liasion) 


Connectors play an important role by linking your sentences  each other.At the same time,it helps to make your text look cohesive and clear.Therefore,it helps examiner to under the general idea behind your point of view.

While there are variety of complex connectors in french,but here i am sharing the important ones for DELF B1.They are as follows-


Je ne peut pas venir mais je peut le telephoner.

Malgre-inspite of

Malgre la pluie,il a sorti a l'exterieur.

De plus-Moreover

Vishal a fini des etudes de license de science.De plus,il a appris la langue francaise.

D'abord-At first, Puis-then,so

D'abord,il faut aller a l'ecole et puis nous ferons du natation.


Premierement,je m'inscrire a l'institut.Ensuite,je prendrai les cours prives.

Check out this link for further reference

Note-You are awarded points for using connectors in DELF B1


"La vie, ce n'est pas d'attendre que l'orage passe, c'est d'apprendre à danser sous la pluie."

A demain!!!


Friday, 20 May 2016

DELF B1 Comprehension orale practice

            DELF B1 Comprehension orale practice


Important tips while doing this part-
  1. UNDERLINE important question words and verbs by pencil to understand the context.                                                                                                              
  2. Try to use the pencil as much as possible because in case if you are not sure,you can rectify your answers.                                                                                                                                       
  3. Create an image for what next you will be expecting during the clip.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

 "Un voyage de mille lieues commence toujours par un premier pas."


Bonne journee!!!
I hope guys you are finding this blog helping.                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

DELF B1 Comprehension Orale(Listening part) important tips

                    DELF B1 Comprehension Orale

                                                                                                         This is one of the challenging parts of DELF B1.One needs to be focussed during listening.I will be sharing step by step process to make it easy.
  1. Before hearing the first clip,you will be getting 30 seconds to read the questions.Please i request you not to read the full questions.Use your precious 30 seconds by marking as many important keywords as you can by pencil like qui,pourqoui(question words) arrive,oublie(verbs) etc to get the general sense of the document.                                                                     
  2. By doing this you will develop a specific idea of what you will be expecting from the clip.                                                                                       
  3. Now listen carefully the audio  and try to focus only to answer what is asked in the question like qui parle a lucas? So there is a person u will be expecting in audio.                                                                                             
  4. Develop your understanding this way and try to capture specific answer .By now, you will know where to target.                                                                                                     
  5. During the audio don't waste time by sticking to a single question and move on if u didn't catch the answer because you will be getting another chance to hear and verify yourself.                                 
  6. Try  to grab  important words and copy it on the paper by pencil.Don't write whole sentences during listening because if you do it,it will be difficult to follow other questions and you might end up confused.You can jot down your final answers at last since you will get ample time after both audio clips.                       
 Use this strategy and j'espere le meilleur pour votre reussir.

In the next post, i will be sharing how we can divise this strategy practically during listening by giving a typical example.Feel free to ask any doubts if you have by commenting below.Friends i want to let you know this blog is created only for you and helping anyone of you will keep me motivated.


                            “Petit a petit, l’oiseau fait son nid”

Stay tuned et bonne ecoute!!!

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Strategy and Tactics for DELF B1 preparation

Strategy and Tactics for DELF B1 preparation


I will not irritate you by repeating general rules again of DELF B1.But friends in my opinion,clearing DELF B1 is all about management of time dans 4 competences.Create a good plan and find your strength in 3 parts leaving listening part as you need to quickly jot down your answers for listening part otherwise it will be hard to remember if you do it later.The easiest part for most of us in the written part is Comprehension Ecrite. Try to do this part at last after finishing Comprehension Orale and Production Ecrite.
Because even if due to shortage of time if you miss some questions of the passage for the comprehension ecrite you will only loose some marks for number of questions you missed because most of the questions carry 1 or 2 marks.But guys please don’t mess up with essay part.Because this is the part where examiner judge your grammartical skills and how coherent your text is.(Remember you need minimum 5 marks in each part and minimum 50 overall).Trust me, scoring overall 50/100 is easier compared to scoring more than 5/25 in both listening and essay part.
Time your exam to perfection by starting with essay part and then come topassage part.Planify your exam well and personne ne peut vous empêcher d’obtenir votre attestation de reussite.Je suis ici pour vous aider.

Bonne chance!